Farfalles à la courge Butternut, à la pancetta et à la sauge


  • 2 c. à table (30 ml) de beurre
  • 4 tasses (1 L) de courge Butternut pelée, épépinée et coupée en cubes
  • 1 paquet (125 g) de Pancetta en dés MD
  • 2 gousses d'ail émincées
  • 2 c. à table (30 ml) de sauge fraîche, hachée
  • 1/4 c. à thé (1 ml) de poivre
  • 12 oz (340 g) de pâtes farfalles
  • 3/4 tasse (175 ml) de pois surgelés
  • 1/2 tasse (125 ml) de pecorino râpé


  • Chauffer le beurre dans une grande poêle à feu moyen-vif; cuire la courge, la pancetta, l'ail, la sauge et le poivre de 18 à 20 minutes ou jusqu'à ce que la courge soit tendre.
  • Pendant ce temps, cuire les pâtes selon les directives figurant sur l'emballage, en ajoutant les petits pois dans les 2 dernières minutes de cuisson. Égoutter, en réservant 1/2 tasse (125 ml) de liquide de cuisson.
  • Mélanger les pâtes et les pois avec le mélange de courge, le liquide de cuisson réservé et le pecorino.
  • Astuce : ajouter de la roquette fraîche aux pâtes et mélanger avec votre vinaigrette préférée pour transformer des restes en une salade de pâtes pour le dîner. 

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Something sweet, something salty, something spicy - all the makings of a great friend group, or the perfect charcuterie board 🙌💕

Tag the Galentines you're celebrating this year 💝
Let's spice up the game food this weekend with salami chips! Bake slices of Mastro®️ Genoa Salami to crispy perfection for a savoury addition to the game day menu 🏈

Comment the dip you're making to go with these 🤩

Here's the recipe - save this post to come back to when you need a unique serving idea!

1. Preheat the oven to 325F
2. Line a medium baking sheet with parchment paper
3. Place your preferred Hot or Mild sliced Mastro® Genoa Salami in a single layer on baking sheet
4. Bake until crisp, 10 to 12 minutes.
Cold weather comfort food starts with heat! 🔥

Our recipe for Stuffed Pasta Shells starts with Hot Genoa Salami, and a rich home-made cream sauce to fill these oversized conchiglioni shells.

Get the recipe for this delicious pasta bake at the link in our bio!
Comment the number of which raclette paddle you want to make! 🤩

There's nothing like the comforting taste of warm melted cheese with crunchy vegetables, and your favourite Mastro®️ and San Daniele®️specialty deli meats!
Holding space for a Sunday morning spent like this…☀️

Thanks for sharing @andrewcretaro!
Is there a better combination than melted raclette cheese over potatoes? Yes! 

The addition of delicious melt-in-your-mouth slices of San Daniele®️ prosciutto, of course 🥰
Mastro®️ is once again Canada's #1 Genoa salami 🙌🥇

Since 1976, we've been honouring the taste and traditions of our roots by crafting authentic meats ❤️ Whether served on a charcuterie board or in a sandwich, we're proud to be Canada's #1 choice for salami!

Comment your favourite way to enjoy Mastro salami 👇
The melt-in-your-mouth flavour of San Daniele Prosciutto pairs well with an assortment of cheeses, fruits, and sweet spreads! All of which pair excellently with a sparkling beverage to toast to 2025 🥂

How are you ringing in the New Year? Tell us in the comments!
Celebrate with charcuterie! 

From our families to yours, we're wishing everyone a happy holiday filled with good food and even better company!
Enjoy a slow holiday morning by preparing an easy holiday brunch board! Read on for our tips 👇

✩ Slice manchego cheese into thin wedges or cubes. This firm, nutty cheese contrasts nicely with both sweet jams and savoury meats!
✩ Make sure you've got a pack of your preferred Mastro® Charcuterie Trio in the fridge! We recommend the European trio for an array of flavours, easily set upon your board in the morning.
✩ Pre-make your waffles - keep them in the fridge, then warm them up in the toaster as needed!

Save this to come back to as you're preparing for the big morning!