Sandwichs roulés Récolte César Capocollo


  • 4 tasses (1 L) de chou frisé, équeuté et tranché
  • 1/2 tasse (125 mL) de vinaigrette à salade César épaisse
  • 1 1/2 tasse (375 mL) de restes de courge Butternut cuite et coupée en dés
  • 1 paquet (125 g) de Capocollo MastroMD haché
  • 1/4 tasse (60 ml) de parmesan râpé
  • 2 c. à table (30 ml) de graines de citrouille grillées
  • 1/2 c. à thé (2 ml) de poivre
  • 4 grandes galettes de blé entier pour sandwich roulé


  • Mettre le chou frisé et la vinaigrette dans un grand bol et mélanger jusqu'à ce que le chou soit complètement assaisonné. Ajouter la courge, le capicollo, le parmesan, les graines de citrouille et le poivre; bien mélanger.
  • Répartir uniformément le mélange de chou sur les galettes. Replier le haut et le bas sur la garniture; rouler afin d'enserrer complètement la garniture.
  • Astuce : pour plus de saveur, mélanger la courge en cubes avec de l'huile d'olive, du sel et du poivre; rôtir au four à 425 ° F (220 ° C) sur une plaque à pâtisserie tapissée de papier-parchemin pendant environ 30 minutes ou jusqu'à ce que la courge soit tendre et que les bords soient dorés.

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de notre Instagram
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School lunches never looked so good! A few Mastro® Salaminis go a long way with a selection of cheeses, fruits, and more of your kids' lunchtime favourites 🙌

How do your little ones like their Salaminis and cheese? Tell us in the comments 👇
Your little ones deserve a beautiful, delicious lunch on their first day back to school 🏫

Pack them Mastro® Prosciutto Cotto alongside their favourite cheese, fruits, and more! This Italian-style cooked ham is full of robust flavour and not only delicious, but is extra lean and low in fat. It's sure to earn you an A+ in lunchtime!

Are your back-to-school lunches planned yet? Tell us in the comments!
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Mastro® Prosciutto Cotto is a delicious cooked ham with robust flavours, yet not too adventurous for picky kids. Salaminis offer all the flavour you love in Mastro® salamis, in a smaller, snacking size - they're also perfect to add to back-to-school lunches!
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Thank you for sharing, @boards_by_bec ❤️
Peppery, aromatic Mastro® Genoa Salami is a staple for any charcuterie board! 

To fully savour its flavours, pair sliced salami with grilled vegetables! The earthy flavours of grilled artichoke will stand up to the rich, bold flavours of salami, resulting in the perfect bite ❤️ Add crunch with grilled bread, and sweetness with figs! 

What's your favourite salami combination? Tell us in the comments! 👇
There's more than enough to share with this muffuletta sandwich! The key to this gigantic sandwich? Layers of Mastro® and San Daniele® meats! 

Bursting with Italian flavour, this is the perfect shareable long weekend lunch. 

Get the recipe to make this irresistible sandwich at the link in our bio, and share this post with someone you'll share this muffuletta sandwich with!
Enjoy your summer produce by assembling a Caprese board! 🍅

Juicy tomatoes and fresh basil from the garden or farmer's market are key components, as well as lots of Canada's #1 prosciutto from San Daniele®! 

What did you plant in your garden this summer? Tell us in the comments 👇
Have you ever had a brunch salad? This summer is the time to try it! Mix your own vinaigrette and serve with your favourite fruit - we recommend sliced figs, peaches, or pears! A decadent poached egg and slices of melt-in-your-mouth, San Daniele® Prosciutto complete this elegant dish.

We've put together a simple recipe to follow for you - go to our link in bio to try it for yourself!