4 tasses (1 l) pas trop serrées de chou frisé coupé
3 oignons verts coupés
2 gousses d’ail hachées
1/2 c. à thé (2 ml) d’origan
Pincée de sel et de poivre
3/4 tasse (175 ml) de fromage feta émietté finement
1/2 tasse (125 ml) de purée de citrouille
2 œufs
12 feuilles de pâte phyllo
1/2 tasse (125 ml) de beurre fondu
Préchauffer le four à 375 °F (190 °C). Couper le salami avec prosciutto et le salami chorizo; mettre de côté le prosciutto fumé speck comme garniture. Faire chauffer l’huile à feu moyen dans une grand poêle à frire; faire cuire la charcuterie coupée, le chou frisé, les oignons verts, l’ail, l’origan, le sel et le poivre pendant 5 à 8 minutes ou jusqu’à ce que le chou frisé soit très tendre. Laisser refroidir complètement. Presser pour enlever l’excès d’eau. Remuer le mélange de chou frisé avec le fromage feta, la purée de citrouille et les œufs.
Étaler une feuille de pâte phyllo sur la surface de travail; badigeonner légèrement de beurre fondu (utiliser une serviette humide pour couvrir les feuilles qui restent). Étaler deux feuilles de pâte phyllo et les badigeonner légèrement de beurre. En commençant par un côté court, couper en 5 longues lanières.
Déposer 1 1/2 c. à table (22 ml) de garniture sur le coin de l’extrémité de la lanière la plus près, puis rouler le coin de la pâte phyllo de manière à emprisonner la garniture en formant un triangle. Continuer de rouler la lanière en s’assurant d’en faire un triangle. Déposer la pâtisserie en triangle, le côté joint en dessous, sur une plaque à pâtisserie recouverte de papier parchemin; badigeonner de beurre fondu. Répéter avec le reste de la pâte phyllo et de la garniture.
Cuire au four pendant 18 à 20 minutes ou jusqu’à ce que la pâte soit dorée. Laisser refroidir pendant 5 minutes. Couper le prosciutto fumé speck en lanières; en garnir les spanakopitas.
Conseil: On peut remplacer le beurre fondu par de l’huile d’olive.
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Can you spot the difference between these two sandwiches that @mariannes_cheesepulls made? 🥪
One is made with San Daniele® Mortadella, and one is made with Mastro® Capocollo Hot!
You can make these delicious sandwiches yourself with ciabatta bread, pistachio pesto, brie cheese, and hot honey - and of course plenty of Mastro deli meats!
Now, the real question: which will you pick? - Capocollo Hot - Mortadella
School lunches never looked so good! A few Mastro® Salaminis go a long way with a selection of cheeses, fruits, and more of your kids` lunchtime favourites 🙌
How do your little ones like their Salaminis and cheese? Tell us in the comments 👇
Your little ones deserve a beautiful, delicious lunch on their first day back to school 🏫
Pack them Mastro® Prosciutto Cotto alongside their favourite cheese, fruits, and more! This Italian-style cooked ham is full of robust flavour and not only delicious, but is extra lean and low in fat. It`s sure to earn you an A+ in lunchtime!
Are your back-to-school lunches planned yet? Tell us in the comments!
Whose kids have been hosting tea parties this summer? Whether they`re entertaining plushes or people, you can help your little one serve a beautiful and kid-friendly charcuterie spread ❤️
Mastro® Prosciutto Cotto is a delicious cooked ham with robust flavours, yet not too adventurous for picky kids. Salaminis offer all the flavour you love in Mastro® salamis, in a smaller, snacking size - they`re also perfect to add to back-to-school lunches!
Peppery, aromatic Mastro® Genoa Salami is a staple for any charcuterie board!
To fully savour its flavours, pair sliced salami with grilled vegetables! The earthy flavours of grilled artichoke will stand up to the rich, bold flavours of salami, resulting in the perfect bite ❤️ Add crunch with grilled bread, and sweetness with figs!
What`s your favourite salami combination? Tell us in the comments! 👇
Have you ever had a brunch salad? This summer is the time to try it! Mix your own vinaigrette and serve with your favourite fruit - we recommend sliced figs, peaches, or pears! A decadent poached egg and slices of melt-in-your-mouth, San Daniele® Prosciutto complete this elegant dish.
We`ve put together a simple recipe to follow for you - go to our link in bio to try it for yourself!
Spend a little extra time on your lunch and make a Mortadella Melt! 😍
San Daniele® Mortadella is Canada’s #1 mortadella, with a delicious traditional taste! Fry your slices to a light crisp, while mustard and melted cheese add more layers of flavour to your new go-to lunch.
Get the recipe for this delicious sandwich at the link in our bio and save this post for sandwich inspiration when you need it!
It`s a beautiful long weekend to be enjoying charcuterie on the patio! 🇨🇦❤️
How are you celebrating today? Tag us in photos of your Canada Day long weekend charcuterie spreads with Mastro® and San Daniele® for a chance to be featured!
Perfect for summer weather, the delicate flavour of Canada`s #1 Trusted Prosciutto brand, San Daniele®, pairs well with Mozzarella to create an Italian-inspired, Caprese sandwich.
Tag a friend you`ll make these with to bring on a picnic this summer 👇
Here`s what you`ll need for this elevated picnic sandwich: - Ciabatta bread - Prosciutto - Summer tomatoes - Fresh basil - Mozzarella - Olive Oil